Simple yet effective tips to optimize your online yoga practice for a more immersive, comfortable, and distraction-free experience.
Select a place at home where you will not be disturbed by others
It is recommended that you use a laptop or cast on TV, so you'll be able to see the instructor clearly on a bigger screen
Make sure your internet connection is strong
Connect to a bluetooth audio device if necessary for a better audio output on your end
Place the device in such a way that the instructor will be able to see the full length of your mat. Let there be about 6-8 feet distance between the camera and the mat for full visibility
If you are a beginner, preferable practice indoors so you will be less distracted with the outside elements like wind, dust, noise, uneven ground and so on
Be in a room that is clean, well-lit with natural light, free from dust/pollution and hygienically maintained to ensure better air quality and a serene atmosphere
Keep all the props (as recommended by the instructor) handy, so you can be fully immersed in the class without having to leave your mat
If using a phone, set it to horizontal mode with auto-rotate on. Switch to DND or airplane mode—let the only vibration be from your practice, not your phone!
Drinking water is not advised. However, you can keep a water bottle and take a sip if it is really necessary.
Please refrain from practicing on your bed as much as possible, unless it is unavoidable due to space constraints
If running late, inform your instructor beforehand. Join on mute to avoid disruptions, and stay back after class to catch up on anything you missed.